HIFA-RO Info magazine, nr. 57
Number 57 of the bilingual quarterly magazine HIFA-RO Info appeared. You can download it here.
Press conference organized by Ortoprofil
25.01.2017 Our Association attended the press conference organized by Ortoprofil! – MISS SPINNER – CONCURS DE FRUMUSEȚE PENTRU PERSOANELE CU DIZABILITĂȚI http://www.cuvantul-liber.ro/news/94717/61/Miss-Spinner-Concurs-de-frumuse-e-pentru-persoanele-cu-dizabilita-i – Viața ACTIVĂ pentru persoanele cu dizabilități http://health.ro/viata-activa-pentru-persoanele-cu-dizabilitati/ – Kerekes székben is lehet aktív életet élni http://www.e-nepujsag.ro/op/article/kerekes-székben-lehet-aktív-életet-élni
HIFA-RO Info magazine, nr. 56
Number 56 of the bilingual quarterly magazine HIFA-RO Info appeared. You can download it here.
Radio Tg. Mureș
At 29.07.2015 in the Összhang – Erdélyi Edit Zsuzsanna’s programme you could listen about A XVI Fraternitas camping for disabled people, chronically ill patients and their careers. Invited: Gál Anita, Kiss Gizella, Simon Judit-Gyöngyi, Szabó István. Pictures can be seen here.
Fraternitas Spiritual Day
04.07.2015 Location: Deus Providebit House, Târgu Mureș. Number of participants: 25. Theme: forgiveness, friendship and devotion. Pictures can be seen here.
HIFA-RO Info 50.
30.06.2015 Number 50 of the bilingual quarterly magazine HIFA-RO Info appeared. You can download it here.