Monthly Archives: October 2013

Wishes and dreams

On the initiative of the local authorities of Tg. Mures, with the support of MuresFly Club and HIFA Association-Romania two people with disabilities will have the opportunity to fly at The Flying Festival on 19th October 2013 organized by MuresFly (Tg. Mureş,

Dorinţe şi vise

Din iniţiativa Municipiului Tg. Mureş, Clubul MuresFly şi Asociaţia HIFA-România pe data de 19 octombrie 2013 două persoane cu dizabilităţi vor avea posibilitatea să zboare la Festivalul de zbor organizat de MuresFly (Tg. Mureş str. Libertăţii nr. 120). Unii oameni doar visează

Vágyak és álmok

A marosvásárhelyi Polgármesteri Hivatal, a MuresFly Repülősklub és a HIFA-Románia kezdeményezésére október 19-én a MuresFly által szervezett Repülő Fesztiválon (Marosvásárhely, Szabadság út 120. szám) lehetőség nyílik arra, hogy 2 fogyatékkal élő személy is repülhessen. Van, akinek álom a repülés. És vannak, akiknek

Cum este să fii persoană cu dizabilităţi?

Asociaţia HIFA ROMÂNIA a organizat la Tg. Mureş în perioada de 7-11 octombrie 2013 Insula interactivă a persoanelor cu dizabilităţi în comunitate în cadrul programului PERLE ASCUNSE III. A fost o săptămână interactivă în cadrul căreia s-a organizat o expoziţie a lucrărilor

Milyen fogyatékkal élni?

A HIFA ROMÁNIA Egyesület szervezésében sor került Marosvásárhelyen, 2013. október 7-11 között, a REJTETT GYÖNGYSZEMEK III. Fogyatékkal élők interaktív szigete a társadalomban című program keretén belül egy játékos interaktív kiállításra fogyatékkal élők alkotásaival, melynek célja a kisiskolások, iskolások valamint egyetemista diákok figyelemfelkeltése

What is it like to be a disabled person?

HIFA-Romania Association organized between 7th-11th October 2013 in Târgu Mureș An Interactive Island for Disabled People in the Community within the program Hidden Pearls III. It was an interactive week presenting an art exhibition with the aim to promote the artwork of

Új festmények a Góbé Art Aukción

Ma a Góbé Art Aukción (Bach borozó, Marosvásáhely, Forradalom utca 4 szám) eladásra volt bocsátva néhány 2012-ben adományba kapott festmény a Maros megyei Képzőművészek Egyesületétől a HIFA-Park javára.

Noi picturi la Licitaţia Gobe Art

Azi au fost expuse la Licitaţia Gobe Art (Tg. Mureş, Crama Bach, str. Revoluţiei 4) câteva picturi primite prin donaţie în 2012 de la Asociaţia Artiştilor Plastici din judeţul Mureş pentru a fi valorificate în beneficiul Parcului HIFA.

New paintings at Gobe Art Auction

Today we exhibited a few paintings of the ones we got in 2012 from the Asociaţia Artiştilor Plastici din judeţul Mureş (Artists Association of Mures County) at the Gobe Art Auction in order to be sold for the benefit of the HIFA

Together for each other

HIFA Romania, together with the Olympikus Sportsclub and the Association of the Social Reintegration of People with Disabilities invites you to join the following events: Hidden pearls III. – Exhibition of handworks and paintings of people with disabilities (location: Deus Providebit House,